Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Being Different for a Purpose

Many times I wonder about the concept of "fitting in." To me, I don't understand why a human being only feels complete when they fit into a certain crowd of people. But then I think about the concept of acceptance; everyone wants to be accepted by someone. Since the beginning, all the way in Genesis 3, we have had this empty lonely feeling and we are more than desperate to feel it up with something. That something isn't always a good thing. It could be friendships, romantic relationships, alcohol, drugs, sex, etc. Nevertheless, we pursue anything that seems filling, whether it is or not.

I've come to the realization, however, that none of these things will ever fill my heart's desire. Over the course of the past year, I have come to know the love of a beautiful Savior. In the midst of darkness I was living in, this man came to my rescue and loved me with a deep passionate love that no other could have ever loved me with. This love was so consuming that it redefined how I saw myself because my thoughts were consumed with the lies the devil had led me to believe.

I have learned many things about myself than I thought I could ever know, many of them being negative traits. Through this journey, God has led me to see the truth of who He has made me to be and how he is still  transforming me. It has been a hard path but I know that God has changed the heart of one who never knew true, forgiving, transforming love. It is only because of this love that invites me to step out of the world and into His presence. When the world is calling me to be like it, my true love calls me to step out and be different.

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