Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Unfailing Love

As a young woman after God's own heart, I don't want anything to stand in the way of my true love and me. This means that I must put off everything that will try to intervene and destroy this love. However, the past few weeks, maybe even months, I have given into the world and what it is telling me: "Give up, you will never know what true love is." 

Growing up, I never had a father figure in my life and I am realizing now how much this has affected me, emotionally and spiritually. I desired to know the love of a father who would cheer me on and love me for my failures.

But I never did.

In John 14:18, Jesus says this: "I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you." Even through the battle of a heart who longs for the love of a father, I know I can look to my heavenly father; the only one who has never forsaken me. It is all I can do. When the world tells me to give up on love, the gentle voice of my Father whispers, don't give up, I will love you forever and be with you to the ends of the earth, always. 

I know I have a long journey ahead of me to heal from where I never knew the love of an earthly father. But I will always remember that the love of my heavenly father is unfailing, sustaining, mysterious, and stronger  than any love I will ever experience. It is the only truth I can hold on to.

Father, continue to show me your healing love, for I long to love you more. 

1 comment:

  1. Ashley, this reminds me of Paul's verse that we don't have many father's. He was speaking spiritually, and indeed this is why I care so much about discipling men, to help pour into this need.
